Age of Aquarius Part 2
Since I hate typing on a touch screen phone, I waited around five hours to post this entry. Not only does it bother me to type on it but it makes me feel more blind than usual. Anyways...
I started yesterday rereading Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now for the second time. It must be a great book huh? It's not about the quality of the book but rather the content. Well content is quality I guess. But it's about what the book has to offer basically.
The first time I read this book was circa 2009. At the time I was being distracted by cultural norms and other insignificant things which didn't allow me to focus on the true meaning behind the philosophy that was being given. However, some of the content did stand out to me and affected me. For example, whenever I had a minor problem that I'd overanalyze and blame myself for, I would look back to the philosophy and overcome it. You may be asking, "So what is this amazing philosophy?"
Tolle explains that problems and negative emotions are illusions created by the mind. We must learn to see them for what they are and once we become conscious of them, they disappear. Although the mind is a wonderful tool, it can also be a very destructive tool. I've found this to be very true. Nevertheless, I am not writing this blog to explain how to achieve a stage of consciousness and worldly peace but rather to connect some of my findings.
In my prior blog entry about the Age of Aquarius, I mentioned the Hopi Indians and their prophecy of 2012. (Don't label me as another maniac screaming "it's the end of the world.") In case you haven't read about it, the prophecy was that the Age of Aquarius (2012) will bring global consciousness and peace. You may recognize one of the words from above and see where I'm going.
Tolle's goal in The Power of Now is to make people realize that we're living in an unconscious world which you can also call artificial form (materialistic). He stresses that when a person is conscious, he or she is able to achieve a higher state of being which brings peace in the end. This takes us back to the Hopi prophecy.

Later on in the text, Tolle writes about the "second coming" of Christ which people also believe will occur in 2012. He explains that this second coming of Christ is the transformation of the mind coming into consciousness and realizing that all negative thoughts are mind made. In order to understand this more, you'd have to read the book for yourself. But you can see that this second coming of Christ relates to the perception of the man the bible is based on.
Jesus promoted peace and didn't value material goods because he knew the true meaning of life. The true meaning of life is not having a million bucks and feeling like crap at the end of the day. The true meaning of life is deep within and consciousness and peace has a lot to do with it. Jesus knew how to control the negative thoughts. This is why many people may question and consider impossible that one man would not have a single negative thought. Maybe it is a little over exaggerated but it is possible to get rid of negative thoughts. No I am not talking about four minutes without negative thoughts but as Jesus lived- without any negativity.