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Immanuel Kant: What is Enlightenment?

By 1:04 PM ,

"Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another. Through laziness and cowardice, a large part of mankind, even after nature has freed them from alien guidance, gladly remain immature..."

That's a quote from Immanuel Kant's document What is Enlightenment? I find this document very true and important for people to read. It turns out that the human race has not progressed since he wrote the document because we are still ignorant. We are ignorant to various things including culture, religion, the media, and the government.

I chose to highlight the quote above because it represented the fact that people do not use their own intelligence. People prefer to refer to stereotypes, religious leaders and the media without doing their proper research. I will not say that I haven't been the same way before because I have but there's a difference between those who realize and remain comfortable and those who realize and do something.

There have been times where I stood up for a belief or argument that I actually believed would benefit me or make my life feel complete. At the end of the day I still felt the same, or maybe even worse. I think the latter would be more true. I guess this was my own type of way of eliminating lies, I wouldn't say finding the truth because I haven't.

Sapere Aude! Dare to know, as Immanuel Kant puts it. Don't be afraid to know the truth. Yes, ignorance may be bliss, but it won't get you far. Okay it works for most people because they're playing it safe mentally.

During the time of Adam and Eve, it was considered a sin to know the truth of life. I believe the tree of wisdom or life exposed the good as well as the bad. God had only exposed Adam and Eve to the wonderful side of life not to the dirty. This is only my theory. Since the serpent is considered an "evil" animal, it can be assumed he wanted to expose those humans to that side of life. Thus our life today. I don't think it's a sin anymore to be without knowledge. Although many worship knowledge, using it to your advantage or help is not wrong because in this life, nothing is honest.

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